Today (March 3rd) rocked, absolutely rocked. Aside from not having school, my awesome friends and I went down to Indiana for the midwestern JETS tournament there. And guess what? We got first! We are the champs! Soooo awesome. We got this large trophy and five hundred bucks for our school. Too bad it's going to the geology department and not to us grrr. Anyway, today was fun nonstop. Fighting, laughing, crying, punching and all as we worked for 3 hrs on multiple choice and free response essays. Now we have to see how we will place nationally after our essays are all graded. Be sure to keep an eye out. Here are the pictures!

That's Chris. He's my friend and behind him are my best friends: textbooks! OHHHH sooooo many! The green one is my java book. Yea basically we are awesome because collectively we have all the knowledge known to man :-).

The damage we did :-p. Ok ok...the damage I did. What, don't look at me like that. I need my space to spread out err make a mess.

This is my friend Chris again. He likes his coke...

Oh oh oh, look at me and the trophy! hehe...

This was definitely one of the best Mondays evar.